Access (Metro / Taxi / Parkings)

The 3 options of travel from Charles de Gaulle airport to the apartment :

Option 1 : Public transports (navette + train + Subway)

-- First to reach the RER station from this CDG airport, you will take the navette CDGVAL.

It's an automatic metro, you have one or 2 stops.. it depends on your terminal of arrival.

-- Then, choose RER B to Paris.. and you will go down at the train station "Gare du Nord".

-- There, you will take the subway (= Métro) : line 4 direction "Mairie de Montrouge"

-- After 4 stops, you change at "Réaumur Sébastopol" to take line 3 direction "Pont de Levallois".

-- One stop later, you go out at "Sentier".. and follow the exit "rue des petits carreaux".

-- Finally, you have only 1 minute by walking to get the apartment.

Approximate travel time = 1 hour 45 ---- Ticket = 11,40 Euros per person.

Option 2 : Taxi

-- You will find many normal taxis (and big ones, for 5 or 6 persons). Just follow the signs and inscriptions inside the airport to find them. There are many in front of the nearest exit.

Approximate travel time = between 30 and 50 min ------ Total cost = between 45 and 70 Euros. (depends on the size of the cab.. on schedules of circulation, traffic and number of luggage..)

-- From 4 people, I suggest to take a taxi : much more convenient, faster for about the same price as public transports. And in the parisian subway, you will have many stairs (without lift or escalators), many stops and changes, and I am thinking about your luggage to carry..

Option 3 : Arrival by car / Parkings

It will be possible for you to park a short time in front of the entry door of the building, to leave your luggage inside the apartment. In this street, very few cars and traffic.. so easily to park. But during this time : you have to look at your car.. to avoid a contravention (= penalty).

Then, you have a secured underground parking at only 1 min : REAUMUR SAINT-DENIS

Access by car (and pedestrians) : 40 rue Dussoubs Paris 2 (Contact : +33 1 40 39 04 14)

Rates : 1h = 4,40 € --- 3h = 13€ --- 24h = 32€ --- Formule 3 days : 60 € + 18 €/extra day

About Departure by Taxi

Airports : Allow 40 - 60 Euros to Orly and 45 - 70 Euros to Roissy CDG. The prices depend on the number of luggage, schedules, persons and on the traffic too.

It's very important to pre-order (call the company the day before your departure).

For that, you can use the phone in the apartment (make the number below and press the green button on the phone). For an operator who speaks English, call :

> Taxis G7 : Book a taxi = 01 41 27 66 99 = English version

  • Contact : Laurent NEAU, -- Tél : 06 27 43 48 04
Access (Metro / Taxi / Parkings)
Access (Metro / Taxi / Parkings)
Access (Metro / Taxi / Parkings)
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